I have been using a Lowrance HDS Gen 3 unit to collect my data. My use of this software is less about fishing and more about commercial applications associated with lake dredging projects. My company comes in and assesses channels and lakes in the USA for potential sediment removal. I have found this software to be exceptional in helping to visualize to the client and help assess projected volumes of muck/sediment to be removed. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help keep this product development going. Not that I want to pay a monthly subscription, but it seems like a lot of of the software is going that direction and would generate needed funds to keep updates happening. Its really amazing software and not much out there to compare to. Anyway, my question is this. My Gen 3 unit has been a little glitchy lately. Sometimes turns off or freezes up during a project which I can't have. I've been looking at upgrading to the Lowrance HDS Live or more recently release HDS Pro. I assume they collect data in the .SL3 format, so should be compatible with Reefmaster, but I wasn't sure if that is the case and was hoping someone with first hand knowledge could let me know if those units are compatible before I make the purchase. Thanks for all you do. Keep it up.