I did a whole bathymetry of a reservoir with a Lowrance single beam echosounder HDS 7. The depths vary between 2m and 60m approximately.
When I try to map values of E1 and E2 in reef, I notice I high dependency on depths. Which brings me to the question if this values should be corrected, and how.
From what I saw in the forum and software manual, this values are unitless and highly dependant on weather/frequency/device.
My question is then, if there is a way to traduce them to power units (ex. W dB), any coefficient that may relate them, or how is the algorithm itself to calculate E1 and E2.
My first thought is to apply the sonar equation (Hamilton 1999, Kloser 2001, Buscombe 2014), to try to consider transmission losses and aperture of beam. Maybe this will improve the results.
Or does the software do any kind of correction already?
I have have 25 sediment samples with tested density and grain size distribution, which will be really interesting to correlate with this parameters.
Any help/info will be much appreciated!