Hi Hubert,
ReefMaster expects metres only in CSV files, so that might explain the depth problem.
I have not tried to import CSV files generated by the IMC, so I am not sure of the format - RM expects Latitude, Longitude, Depth to be the first three values in a CSV row. Latitude and Longitude must be in degrees decimal, WGS84. Depth must be in metres.
If you like, send me one of your CSV files (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
) and I will take a look.
Just to be clear - the lat/lon reversing functionality within RM is only applied to files of type sl2, or sl2/slg files when using the slg2txt.exe (although slg2txt seems to fail with Elite 7 files that contain the lat/lon bug).