LittleGazoo wrote:
Fantastic, Navico users have much needed a management tool with so many great features.
I hope you will consider some bulk editing features for the near future.
Many fail to realize the bulk editing features of Humminbird PC program. Important features to consider might be:
Sort by feature, name, icon, visibility, latitude, longitude, date, etc.
Shift-Select & Cntrl-Select waypoints with ability to bulk-edit selected waypoints features like name, icon, icon-color, visibility(icon-only, iconandname).
Even copy-paste or cut-paste selected to different files.
Thanks again for this program. For to long have I used text-editors to edit Lowrance GPX files.
FYI: Lowrance icon-color is supported with USR files, but not all icons support color with GPX. GPX does not support Icon-only, IconandName characteristics at all.
Thanks for the feedback!
You can sort in the list views by clicking on the column header. For waypoints, you can sort by icon, name, latitude, longitude and created time. For trails you can sort visibiltiy, colour, name and time.
Bulk editing features are in there - you can multi-select waypoints or trails, either in the map view or the waypoints list, and edit any (or all) of the attributes you listed. Changes will be applied to all selected assets, with full undo capability if required..
We haven't implemented cut/paste, although it is possible to paste waypoints or trails (polylines) that have been copied from Google Earth. This is pretty useful for marking waypoints on satellite imagery and then bringing them into the WM for use in Lowrance devices.
You are correct with respect to icon colour. USR 4/5/6 support the full set of icon/colour combinations. USR3 has a few icons missing, and GPX only has colour choices for a small number of icons.