Hi guys this has been driving me crazy the last week. I have watched every youtube clip i could find and searched for every bit of info i could, and this seems to be the best place for answers.
I am trying to create a background map of a local dam for my new Lowrance HDS7. I found an aerial photo of it partially dry on sas.plantet that shows the old creek beds.
I have created a .kml file of the area i want with a few different zoom layers that i can open in Google earth and it shows all the details perfectly. I open Insight Map Creator change the processing mode to keyhole open my kml file that is saved to my desktop and click build. It runs for a minute than comes up with Process complete ( I have also tried skipping this step as i read i might not need it). I change processing mode back to Raster.
This is where I'm unsure. From the youtube clip i was trying to follow the source folders added are the ones created under sasplanet/cache/sat/than all the different zoom levels, I directed it to the sat/ folder. Although i even tried directing it to the kml file on my desk top as thats how i thought one person was explaining it. I have tried all different resolution options to try and make it work most with 1-8 or 1-16 as that seem to be what others were using.
For the work directory i have also tried a few different options, making its own folder on the desk top, saving straight to desk top, saving into folder with kml file.
Click build and it starts running. It creates an UnboundAt5s folder with sub folders for the different resolutions. In those folders are files called _3DTexture_D16208180.at5, folder for res 8 gets to about 1MB, and folder 1 gets to about 25MB.
This is where it fails. An error message will pop up, ive had two different ones. Critical Error: Index not found, or Read size does not match expected read size.
Can anyone please help with what i am doing wrong? I like playing around with this sort of thing but it seems im out of my depth here and I just cant figure it out.