There is a piece on my website about it.
I had thought previously that it was only the Echomap series that were affected, but it seems as though the newer GPSMap units have the same ridiculous limitation. There is a workaround for it, but it's not partcularly user friendly.
I havent looked at it for a few months, but I'm surprised Homeport has a similar limitation now. How are you trying to load the chart ? If you want me to have a look at it just use the address on my website and send me a zipped up img and mp file.
EDIT Tracks are not exported from RM with a Garmin code. You can only make a chart object using defined codes. These are built into RM at the moment for import into GPSMapedit, or you can assign codes using the Skinfiles in GPSMapedit. I need to know your exact workflow Bill ?