This should help you start to align images to MM/pixel ranges now...
Opening up the jgw files into a text editor will tell you what resolution the images were taken at. Here is one from my z14 directory:
0.00017166137695312 (X Resolution Per X Pixel)
0.00000000000000000 (Y Resolution Per X Pixel)
0.00000000000000000 (X Resolution Per Y Pixel)
-0.00012333332992148 (Y Resolution Per Y Pixel)
-88.72550010681152344 (X Position of Left Most Pixel)
44.08752336158023866 (Y Position of Top Most Pixel)
This is called a Geographic WGS84 projection. Your ranges are from -180 to 180 for X and -90 to 90 on Y.
The Earth is 24,901.55 miles/131,480,184 feet/40,075,160 meters around at the equator. (rough estimates)
The Earth is 69.17 miles/365,223 feet/111,320 meters around per degree at the equator. (rough estimates)
We can say that pixels on z14 tiles are created to be around 111,320 * 0.00017166137695312 (19.1) meters wide and 111,320 * 0.00012333332992148 (13.7) meters tall which means that z14 most accurately corresponds to 16 MM/pixel based on the resolution of the image.