Well thats about it now for all the usual objects (apart from IALA buoyage) that gets put around lake maps.
I've updated the names of objects - and the Navico objects start with "Navico" (duh..) making it easy to find them by just clicking on the top bar of the object list to sort by name.
Its at a point now where it just needs some people to try it out.
I suggest that after the lake shore is drawn, for now, it is saved with one name (eg LakeNameShore.mp), then shapefiles exported, then save again giving it a different name (eg LakeName.mp) so that subsequent exports don't overwrite the shore export you have just done. This is because you want to import a shoreline into RM, and the shapefile may contain several linetypes when you import a polyline shapefile from a completed map.
Matt has promised me he'll make it simpler by having the import only look for shoreline objects in the shapefile.....(cough)
If you want any support for gpsmapedit just ask on here and I'll get you going.
Meanwhile below are all the files you need - and I'm just mailing Matt the final version of the MP file.